We caught up with Hastings United Inclusive & Disability Team lead coach Lewis Willard and asked him to tell us all about the team
The Hastings United Youth Disability team has been a great thing to be coaching for the last few
months. The numbers have been gradually growing which has been amazing to see.
Every Tuesday from 5pm to 6pm at the Bexhill Leisure centre in Bexhill the players have come and
worked hard. We do little sessions of passing, shooting and dribbling. Ending always with a fun
match at the end. The players leave always with a smile and it’s great to see them having fun.
The team is always looking for more players, if anyone is interested please contact Lead Coach Lewis who is at lewis.hastingsuniteddisability@gmail.com and is always happy to welcome
new players.
Next week (17th December) is the final training session of the year so we will be playing lots of fun games and end the year with a great session.
We will start back up again on the new year. It’s great that Hastings United has giving this opportunity for people to come and be included, play something they love doing and socialise at the same time.
With the youth and the adults disability team doing great. Things are only looking to go up with the Hastings United Disability youths and adults. I am proud of each and everyone of the players.
Lewis Willard
Lead coach for Hastings United Disability and Inclusive team Youth and Adults

We also spoke with one of our squad members parents who had this amazing review of Lewis and our team
“As a parent, groups like HUFC disability football are fantastic for many reasons, and here are some of them. It’s such a relief to take my child somewhere that I don’t have to worry about him not joining in and following complicated instructions, I don’t have to worry about him not fitting in and being treated differently, I don’t have to worry about him not making friends, or other children being unkind. Also for me as a single Mum, i get the chance to have 1 hour where I can sit and watch my child join in with an activity and burn off some of his endless energy without worry, I can relax and chat with other parents who may be facing the same issues that I am facing, and are therefore understanding. These are all things that parents of a neurotypical child take for granted, and yet for a neurodivergent parent, it is not easy to find a group like this”
“Lewis is patient, understanding, and adapts to all the children in the group regardless of what their mood/behaviour is like on the day. Since joining the group, my sons confidence has grown along with his football skills, and he really looks forward to coming along each week”