t has been a very good year with the Hastings United Inclusive and Disability team. Not only are we seeing the numbers rise to a good amount with the adults. In September we started the youth team and have seen the numbers gradually rise with them as well.

Info on the youth team
In just a few months I have seen a major difference in the skills and ability of the youth players. They arrived always ready to learn, have fun and up their level. It was amazing to see their faces when we did our last Christmas session. Players and their parents joined in and it was just great to see them enjoy themselves and socialise with each other. It will be great to see this team progress and get bigger in the new year.
Info on the adult team.
With their progress with the Sussex fa disability league, we have focused with more in depth sessions. To a fitness session which is done three times a year to see their progression in speed, stamina and agility to see the difference from the beginning of the season to the end, to set pieces and 1v1 to 2v2 transitions. We were pleased to see two new players register for the league and look forward to more registering as the season progresses.

During the last off season we did a social which was crazy golf down in Hastings seafront. We hope for more socials in the new year to help make the already bond the players have stronger. I say this all the time, but both the youth and the adults have made me so proud since I became lead coach. In January we hope to have a friendly which will keep the players fit and ready for us to return to the league in February.
I plan on getting more friendlies as we have season games one Sunday a month so it would be amazing to get friendlies in to fill the gaps between league games and get them playing more of the sport they love.
I was given the great opportunity to become the Head of the whole youth and adults disability programme and I hope that I can make the team proud and help them get to their very best as players. I look forward to seeing what the new year brings.

On my behalf I hope that everyone at Hastings United and fans have a great Christmas and New Year.
Lewis Willard
Head of Hastings United Youth and adults Inclusive and Disability.